Wednesday 28 February 2007

What a day!!!!

Tuesday turned out to be a mega disaster on the work front, but I won't bore you with that! Today was slightly better, but not much!

Tonight we are off out to Lau Pau Sat for some Satay - yum yum!

Today is the last day of Nicky being in her 30's - she's 40 tomorrow! We are going to Raffles for High Tea to celebrate and I'm sure we will partake in a few Singapore Slings during it!

Monday 26 February 2007

A bizaare Bar at Clarke Quay

Well, last night I went to Cafe Iguana with Julie and Nicky, a few jugs of Strawberry Magarita later and some gorgeous food we headed off to the Highlander Bar, Clarke Quay. We noticed the strangest theme bar we've ever seen .... it was called The Clinic! That should give you some idea, the seats were made out of hospital beds, there were screens set up around each section of chairs ..... and the best bits, drinks were served through IV drips!!! All agreed though that it looked to clinical to be able to relax!

Had a major disaster yesterday, worked all afternoon on my TMA (tutor marked assignment), went to save it to my thumb drive and it corrupted the file on the PC and on the thumb drive. Luckily enough I had the bare bones that I had started out with saved on my laptop at home!

Forgot to say that Kayleigh got her ears pierced about a week ago, she was so brave and just said 'Ow'.

Sunday 25 February 2007

Just Starting Out!

Hi Everyone, and welcome to our blogspot. I feel that this will be a better place to post what's happening in the crazy world of The Fawcett's on a daily basis.

Take today for example ... I'm supposed to be doing my TMA06 for my OU course, but what am I doing instead ... yep ... you've guessed it ... setting up this Blog!!!!

You will have to bear with me, while I get used to this! I will have to work out how to upload photos and make the blog appear all fancy!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday ... I'm off to Chinatown with Nicky for a spot of retail therapy this evening after the lovely Beef Stroganoff cooking in the slow cooker .... smells yummy!